45 years ago…..In 1980 God directed Russell into prison ministry. While in a Bible study the Lord asked him a question according to John 21:15, “Do you love Me more than these?” He said, “Yes, Lord.” He then gave him what he would find out later to be a treasure of souls in a prison. People looking for truth and so desperately in need of an outside friend that would share in their failures and victories. After traveling for six months to an institution to see very little fruit, the Lord fulfilled personal prophecy that if he would stay faithful, this ministry would be used to reach the compound.
Today we have gone from one Bible study a week, to multiple Bible studies every week in various prisons. We started with 12 churches, now we have volunteers from over 500 different churches with various backgrounds, and denominations, working together to bring souls back to the Kingdom of God.
The desire of this ministry is to evangelize the lost, disciple those who come to Christ, and minister to the whole person. We are always striving to teach, and train them in truth according to the scriptures. In doing so we feel they will be productive citizens not only for the community, but for the Kingdom of God as well. This ministry is based on biblical principles, revealing the heart of God. We believe it is a mandate from God to visit those in prison. When all is said and done our desire is to hear the Master of eternity say, Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord. Matthew 25:23