InnerFaith Prison ministry, Inc

Welcome to InnerFaith Prison Ministry, in its 44th year of ministry to inmates and their families, bringing before you a team of individuals with a passion to see broken lives restored by a Living God.

We are committed to minister to brothers and sisters in Christ, and non-believers as well, inside prisons, proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ, acknowledging the whole body of Christ, and encouraging the church to fulfill the Great Commission according to Matthew 25:36 “...I was in prison and you visited me…“  

View our 2024 Promo Video to learn more about us!

2024 Promo

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September Newsletter

Become a Partner in 2024! For $125 you can partner with us for the entire calendar year; have all your crusade registration fees waived, get (2) crawfish boil tickets, a theme of the year short sleeved shirt AND an IFPM memorabilia item!


Our 2024 Calendar is out! Take a look and see where you would like to join us on the mission field! For more information call 337-288-1744


Sponsor a Child for Christmas!!! 

Sponsor a child for christmas here!!

From Russ' Heart

Pay Now! Get the True goods later!

I want to first take this time to thank each of  you for your labor of love in this ministry. Many of you have labored diligently to the many needs this ministry encounters. Thanks for your labor in prayer support, in participation in our ministry outreaches, in your financial funding so this ministry can continue to Finish the Unfinished work of the Lord.  This scripture in Hebrews 6:10  sums up how the Lord never forgets those who labor for Him! For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. Scripture is clear about labor: Healthy and honest labor according to Proverbs 13:11 promises that; Wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished, But he who gathers by labor will increase. Beloved we need to be thankful to the Lord we have opportunity to work. Not just for the now and the immediate but for the eternal and the everlasting.  Jesus said in John 6:27 “Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you,                 because God the Father has set His seal on Him."  I’ve heard it said you should never sacrifice the future ( prize and pride of our labor ) on the altar of the immediate.   Unlike our world system that says              Buy Now! Pay later ( On Credit ) we should know that the Lord’s eternal  system has always been Pay the price now! Get the true goods later! Have a blessed Labor day!